Judo in Kazakhstan yesterday and today


  • Telemgenova Aigerim Kazakh academy of sport and tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Shepetyuk Mikhail Kazakh academy of sport and tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Zhitkeyev Askhat Kazakh academy of sport and tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Narkulov Askar Kazakh academy of sport and tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan




judo, competitions, sports result, seminar, coach.


The article analyzes the stages of development of judo in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period and in a sovereign state, outlines sports achievements at international competitions, justifies the need for educational events taking into account the experience previously conducted by the Judo Federation of Kazakhstan, assesses the importance of attracting foreign specialists to familiarize themselves with advanced technologies and training techniques with their further implementation in the work of domestic specialists. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the preparation and passing of the theoretical and practical section for the assignment of the international coaching category according to the program of the International Judo Academy, which held its courses in Almaty with Kazakhstani coaches, as well as the justification of the role of competitions in the growth of the popularity of judo and improving sports skills.

Author Biography

Telemgenova Aigerim, Kazakh academy of sport and tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Master of Pedagogical Sciences

«Research in Physical Education and Sports»

